When Beauty Out of Damage made its debut on the cover of the Sunday New York Times Magazine on August 13th 1993, it was picked up by the AP Line and was published world-wide in most newspapers as a news headline that week. The partial list below represents publications that requested the image from Matuschka to accompany stories or features related to breast cancer, photography or the artist.
Rubbettino "Solitary Bodies. The Self-Portrait in Contemporary Photography" by Giorgio Bonomi (Italy)
Inside Edition
CBS Sunday Morning (click here)
Berkshire Fine Arts (opinion piece) "Matuschka Reacts to Angelina Jolie" (click here)
Edicion de Aniversario SEMANA Magazine 30th Anniversary
30 Anos Imagenes (Columbia, South America)
Aperture Foundation (NYC) "The Photographs" (30 years of the New York Times Most important photos published in the Sunday Magazine)
?Heroninas Victimas? Fotomanias 2011 "Matuschka Fotografias #1991-2003 (Malaga Spain)
Life Books (Life Inc.) Special Edition: "100 Photographs That Changed the World"
Anna Kurzyca "Rozmowy O Raku Piersi" Edyta Zierkiewicz (Poland)
Oxford "Staring: How We Look" Rosemarie Garland Thomson
Mamm Magazine (Cover) and Essay by Matuschka "The Body Beautiful"
The Artful Mind "Matuschka, Artistic Activist, Activist Artist" by Ed Bride(click here)
The Women's Times "Matuschka, Her body, Her Art" (essay and photos by Matuschka)
Oxford University Press, (NYC) Book Title: "Woman¹s Realities Women¹s
Choices: An Introduction to Women¹s Studies" (3rd Edition)
Keio University Press, (Tokyo) Book Title: "Decay and Revival: Body, Medicine
and Culture III" article by Tetsuko Nakamura: Battling with Breast Cancer
and Regaining the Power of Regeneration: A Path Audre Lorde Opened Up for
Tattoos for Women: "Tattooectomy, Matuschka's Skin Art Transformation" (essay and photos by Matuschka)
Life Books (Life Inc.) Special Edition: "100 Photographs That Changed the World"
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (London)
"Photography as Technology of the Self: Matuschka's Art and Breast Cancer"
Hector Amaya
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (London) "Case
Re-examined" photos and interview Matuschka
Columbia University Press Nancy Miller "But Enough About Me: Why We Read
Other People's Lives. The Marks of Time"
WorkMan Publishing "Breasts" (2)pp. 399/328 pictures by Matuschka
Isabelle Quentin, Montreal Canada, Benatar: "Everything You Should Know About
Cosmetic Surgery" p. 405
Oxford: American Literary History "Woman as Ruin" Tacey A. Rosolowski
Courage (Media Studies Journal, NYC) "Picturing Breast Cancer" Betty Rollin
Wild Biology (Routledge) "Community & the Public Body and Breast Cancer
Activism" Lisa Cartwright. (Great Brittan)
Time Magazine
Veja Magazine (South America)
Krebsgang, (Haffman Verlag) Karen Bischof (Switzerland)
Indiana Univ. Press, "Figuring Age: Women, Bodies, Generations" Nancy Miller
News Austria (Cover)
Master Breasts (Aperture)
Breaking the Circle of Poison: Women, Health and Environment (gynergy books)
Bad Girls and Sick Boys Linda Kauffman (University of California Press)
Confronting Sexism & Violence Against Women Karen Stout & Beverly McPhail
(Addison, Wesley & Longman )
Cultural Studies Volune 12 (Routledge) "Community & the Public Body in
Breast Cancer" Lisa Cartwright. (Great Brittan)
The Kingston Whig Standard (Canada)
The Ottawa Citizen (Canada)
Actualite (Canada)
4 x 5 Cover (Isreal)
The New York Times Magazine "A Celebration of 100 Years"
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Medical Health Annual
Bunte (Germany) "Women of the Nineties Who Changed the World
Ewing, William A. "The Body: Master Photographs of the Human Form", London,
England; Thames & Hudson: 1995. (pp. 332, 350)
The Boston Herald
Vogue Magazine
Gauntlet Anthology
"Good Girls/Bad Girls: Women, Sex, Violence, and Power in the Nineties"
(Rutger's University Press)
Mc Falls, Gallagher and Jones. "Sociology: Macro and Mega Structures", Texas;
Hartcourt, Brace College Publishers, p. 618.
San Francisco Chronicle
The Edmonton Journal (Canada)
The Guardian (England)
Voici (France)
Photography Center Quarterly (Woodstock, NY)
New York Post
El Mundo Magazine (Spain)
Cosmopolitan (Spain)
Zeitung (Germany)
The Salt Lake Tribune
August 15 COVER The New York Times Magazine "You Can't Look Away
Anymore" by Susan Ferraro (Link to Article)
Los Angeles Times
Der Spiegel
Die Zeit
Marie Claire
Die Woche
Chicago Tribune
Panorama Magazine (Italy)
The Boston Globe
Self Magazine
Glamour Magazine
US Magazine
Das Magazin (Switzerland)
Richmond Times Dispatch
The Washington Post
Please note this is a partial list